About Me

 My name is Jeanie Hansen, and I am one of those extroverts that has a deep contemplative side. I love being with people and feed off their ideas. I could go on for hours with a group in some well thought out discussion. Yet, I need solitude to process all I learn and glean from others.

Sitting in silence, I find space to talk to God about all that goes on in my daily life. The reason I am attracted to Ignatian SpPhotoofmeirituality is that the Creator I love and know is so alive in my imagination. This God is neither male nor female, but a deep loving presence that is always with me and guiding me. My life is one of gratefulness for the Spirit that surrounds me.

My professional training includes a Religious Studies degree with an Area of Specialization in Religious Education Administration. I hold a certificate in Spiritual Gerontology, which is the study of the psycho/spiritual aspects of aging. I received my Spiritual Direction training and certificate from the Christos Center for Spirituality. Also, I have done an intensive study of Ignatian Spirituality and am certified to give the Spiritual Exercises to individuals.  Lastly, I am a member of Spiritual Directors International.

Something I cherish is writing memoir. With award-winning authors such as Mary Jean Port, Laura Flynn, and Elizabeth Andrew for teachers at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis I feel I studied this craft with the masters. Now I want to nurture this gift in others.

The authors I read and who have greatly influenced my theology and spirituality are Richard Rohr, Henri Nouwen, Joseph Tetlow, Parker Palmer, and Joan Chittister.

My husband, Glenn, and I currently are empty-nesters now that our children are adults and live in other cities. We find pure delight in our role as grandparents of Hugo, our first grandchild.